应草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室、生命科学学院丁路明副教授和生命科学学院邱全胜教授邀请,以色列农业研究院Zalmen Henkin博士、Yael Laor博士、Ariel Shabtay博士和Miri Zinder博士来实验室交流,并做学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加!
报 告 人:Dr. Zalmen Henkin
报告题目:Range management studies in Northern Israel: grazing in Mediterranean climate
报 告 人:Dr. Yael Laor
报告题目:Agricultural and environmental aspects related to composting of organic wastes: Local and international perspectives
报 告 人:Dr. Ariel Shabtay
报告题目:Theoretical and practical approaches to utilize unique natural forage and agricultural by-products in ruminants nutrition
报 告 人:Dr. Miri Zinder
报告题目:Using dietary manipulations for improving meat and milk quality traits in ruminants
以色列农业研究院是世界著名农业科研机构,隶属于以色列国家农业部,是以色列中央政府的农业研究开发机构,承担了以色列全国百分之七十以上的农业技术研究开发。ARO主要研究领域包括植物科学、动物科学、植物保护、土壤、水、环境科学、农业工程、食品科学、农业机械等。ARO约有1000位员工,其中85%为科研人员,在以色列北部和南部分别设有两个研究中心,分别为北部的Newe Ya’ar研究中心和南部的Gilat研究中心。
Dr. Zalmen Henkin
His main research interests are: studying the management and the ecology of grazing systems in Mediterranean grasslands and woodlands with a focus on factors determining productivity, forage quality, biodiversity of vegetation, behavior of the grazing animals and amenity value of the systems.
Dr. Yael Laor
Her research in the past 15 years has been focused on two major directions: (i) Management of organic wastes by recycling, disposal, and use as soil additives for sustainable and organic farming. (ii) Monitoring, characterization and elimination of odor emissions to the environment.
Dr. Ariel Shabtay
He has more than 20 years of experience in Animal Physiology research, focusing on stress and production efficiency, in an attempt to improve production efficiency and reduce disease incidence of ruminants.
Dr. Miri Zinder
Her research is in the field of Mammalian genome Biology, focusing on bovine QTL studies associated with milk and meat production traits. She is studying the genetic differences between cattle breeds affecting meat quality parameters as well as phenotyping of meat quality traits.