
2015.9.25新西兰AgResearch 研究中心Dr. Saman Bowatte学术报告

发布时间:2015-09-24 打印    

应草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室邀请,新西兰AgResearch研究中心Saman Bowatte博士来实验室进行学术交流并做学术报告。

题目:Elevated atmospheric CO2 and grassland species effects on nitrogen cycle processes



Dr. Saman Bowatte简介

Saman Bowatte received his PhD in Soil Science from Massey University, New Zealand in 2003. His thesis investigated N transformations in urine patches in sheep grazed hill country pastures. He then conducted post-doctoral research on ammonia oxidising bacteria in paddy soils at Nagoya University, Japan. Saman joined AgResearch, New Zealand’s largest crown research institute, in 2006 and currently works as a senior scientist in soil microbial ecology.Saman’s recent research concentrated on plant N2O emissions, plant effects on nitrification and nitrous oxide emissions, and elevated atmospheric CO2 effects on nitrogen fixation. Saman authored or co-authored publications in journals such as Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Plant and Soil, ISME Journal, Nature Geoscience, Global Change Biology. During Saman’s career he has been involved in several research collaborations with Chinese scientists, including co-supervising two PhD students from Chinese universities.

