

发布时间:2014-03-01 打印    

应侯扶江教授邀请,Brien E Norton博士将于3月2日来实验室作学术报告。 题 目:Grazing Management: Not as Simple As It Seems

主讲人:Dr Brien E Norton, Emeritus Associate Professor, Utah State University

时 间:3月2日下午3:00

地 点:四楼报告厅

Dr Brien E Norton简介:

Dr Norton graduated from the University of New England in Australia and spent most of his career as a professor in the Rangeland Resources Department at Utah State University, USA. He has worked on rangeland projects in a dozen countries in the Middle East, North Africa and the Sahel, and South America. He spent a year as the Rangeland Scientist at ICARDA, Syria, and directed a rangeland research centre in Western Australia. Most recently he has been in Tajikistan working with Tajik Agrarian University to develop an academic program in pastureland management.

