
    2018 . Effects of feeding drunken horse grass infected with Epichloë gansuensis endophyte on animal performance, clinical symptoms and physiological parameters in sheep. .

    2013 . Stability and viability of novel perennial ryegrass host –Neotyphodium endophyte associations. .

    2013 . Characterisation of novel perennial ryegrass host- –Neotyphodium endophyte associations. .

    2016 . Assessment of germination and endophyte viability in perennial ryegrass and tall fescue seeds following accelerated ageing treatment. .

    2016 . Genome-Wide Analysis of Codon Usage Bias in Epichlo? .

    2018 . Toxin-producing Epichloë bromicola strains symbiotic with the forage grass, Elymus dahuricus, in China. .

    2017 . Advances in Research on Epichlo? endophytes in Chinese Native Grasses .

    2017 . Comprehensive analysis of correlations among codon usage bias, gene expression, and substitution rate in Arachis duranensis and Arachis ipa?nsis orthologs. .

    2017 . Differential evolutionary patterns and expression levels between sex-specific and somatic tissue-specific genes in peanut. .

    2018 . First Report of Stem and Root Rot of Aconitum carmichaelii Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in China. .

    2017 . Effect of an Epichlo? endophyte on adaptability to water stress in Festuca sinensis. .

    2018 . Physiological and biochemical responses of Festuca sinensis seedlings to temperature and soil moisture stress. .

    2018 . First report of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum higginsianum on Rumex acetosa in China. .

    2018 . Intra- and interspecific competition of Elymus Nutans griseb. and Festuca sinensis keng. EX EB alexeev. infected by Epichlo? endophyte.

    2018 . First Report of Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum destructivum on Trifolium repens in China. .

    2018 . Shoot morphology and alkaloid content of Epichloe endophyte-Festuca sinensis associations. .

    2018 . Physicochemical properties of an asexual Epichloё endophyte – modified wild barley in the presence of salt stress. .

    2018 . Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase plays a vital role in Achnatherum inebrians plants host to Epichloë gansuensis by improving growth under nitrogen deficiency. .

    2019 . Effects of seasonal variation on the alkaloids of different ecotypes of Epichlo? .

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