研究群:Prataculture system
Tel: Fax: Email:Minliu@lzu.edu.cn Min.liu@pku.edu.cn
2012.10-2017.01 博士,农业经济学专业,瓦赫宁根大学,荷兰. (博士导师:Wim Heijman,Liesbeth Dries,Xueqin Zhu,黄季焜)2010.09-2012.07 硕士,农业经济管理专业,西北农林科技大学,陕西
2006.09-2010.07 学士,旅游管理专业,西北农林科技大学,陕西
2017.7-2019.06 国际人才引进博士后,北京大学国家发展研究院、现代农学院中国农业政策研究中心2017.11-2019.06 区域专员,亚洲发展银行
2016.10-2017.01 咨询顾问,世界银行
2017.01-2017.03 助教,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,环境经济与资源系
1. International Association of Agricultural Economists(IAAE)会员2. The European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) 会员
3. The Chinese Economists Society(中国留美经济学会,CES) 会员
1. Sponsorship for overseas PhD training sponsored by the Chinese Scholarship Council, China, 2012-2016.2. Junior Researcher Grant from Wageningen School of Social Sciences(WASS), 2016, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
3. Best conference paper award(优秀论文奖), 2018, “The development of rural e-commerce in China – an empirical analysis based on the development of Taobao Villages”, CAER-IFPRI annual international conference, China.广州,中国.
1. 中国博士后科学基金资助项目,刘敏,8201400849,农村电子商务在中国的发展趋势、驱动力及其影响研究,2018.01-2019.6,5万元,主持人
2. 中国农业部咨询项目,黄季焜,农村电子商务对农业发展和农民增收影响与政策研究,2017.9-2018.8,15万元,主要参与人
3. 中国工程院咨询项目,黄季焜,2018-XZ-25-02,草业农业在内涵及其在社会经济发展中的作用研究,2018.1-2019.12,50万元,主要联络人、参与人
4. 国际食物政策研究所,黄季焜,2017X127.CCA,2030亚太地区农业投资与食物安全,2017.5-2018.10,50万元,主要参与人
5. 国际合作项目,黄季焜,ACCC-027,气候变化适应措施成本效益与社会经济系统脆弱性研究,2014.10-2015.9,150万元,参与人
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,黄季焜,71333013,国家食物安全预测预警和发展战略研究,2014.1-2018.12,280万元,参与人
7. 中国工程院项目,黄季焜,2013-ZD-19,我国草原生态文明建设战略研究,2013.6-2014.12,80万元,参与人
8. IFAD国际合作项目,黄季焜,2000000866, Rural Regional Transformation: Pathways, Policy Sequencing and Development Outcomes in China, the Philippines and Vietnam, 2017.8-2019.9, 320万元,参与人
China economic review;Land use policy;China agricultural economic review;Rangeland journal等
1. Jikun Huang, Huayong Zhi, Min Liu, Shi Min. (2017). The Uses of ICT in Agriculture and E-commerce in Rural China:the Evidences from Village and Rural Household Surveys. Submitted to World Bank.
2. Jikun Huang, Min Liu, Song Gao. (2018). The application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Rural China. Submitted to The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Asian Development Bank.
3. Jikun Huang, Min Liu, Song Gao. (2018). The Emergence of Agri-food E-commerce Sector:the Evidences from Rural Household Surveys. Submitted to The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Asian Development Bank.
4. 黄季焜,刘敏,高颂.(2018).农村电子商务对农业发展和农民增收的影响研究报告.中国农业农村部.
5. 黄季焜,刘敏,高颂.(2018).农村农产品电子商务发展现状和政策建议.中国农业农村部.
1.“Tragedy of the commons or tragedy of privatization? The impact of land tenure reform on grassland degradation in Inner Mongolia, China”, Selected Paper, The International Conference 'Food in the Biobased Economy', 瓦赫宁根,荷兰. (2015.05)
2.“The impact of land tenure reform on grassland condition in Inner Mongolia, China”, Selected Paper, EAAE PhD Workshop 2015, 罗马,意大利. (2015.06)
3.“Tragedy of the commons or tragedy of privatization? The impact of land tenure reform on grassland condition in Inner Mongolia, China”, Selected Paper, The 29th International conference of agricultural economists (ICAE),米兰,意大利. (2015.08)
4.“What is the impact of land tenure reform on livestock production in pastoral areas? An empirical study conducted in Inner Mongolia, China”, Selected Paper, Workshop on tenure reforms in different land use types in China, 北京,中国. (2015.09)
5. “The impact of Ecological Construction Programs on grassland conservation in the pastoral areas of China”, Selected Paper, The 2016 China Conference of the Chinese Economists Society (CES), 深圳,中国. (2016.06)
6.“What is the impact of land tenure reform on livestock production in pastoral areas? An empirical study conducted in Inner Mongolia, China”, Selected Paper, The European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), 帕尔马,意大利. (2017.08)
7. “The development of rural e-commerce in China”, Selected Paper, The 30th International conference of agricultural economists (ICAE), 温哥华,加拿大. (2018.07)
8. “The development of rural e-commerce in China – an empirical analysis based on the development of Taobao Villages”, Selected Paper, 2018 CAER-IFPRI annual international conference. 广州,中国. (2017.11)
1. The impact of Ecological Construction Programs on grassland conservation in the pastoral areas of China. Lunch seminar at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa,意大利. (2016.05)
2. Land tenure reform and grassland degradation in Inner Mongolia, China. Lunch seminar at the Social Sciences, Wageningen University, 荷兰. (2017.01)
3. The development of rural e-commerce in China.中国社会科学院,北京,中国(2018.07)
4. Do farmers earn more through e-commerce to trade their agricultural products? 中国农业大学,北京,中国(2019.04)